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Artist Jan Karpíšek with his son at solo exhibition in Tišnov, 2020



15th March 1981 in Jihlava, Czech Republic
He lives in Brno Soběšice.


1993-1999: Grammar School Třeboň
1999-2005: Faculty Of Fine Arts of Brno University Of Technology, Studio Painting II (prof. M. Mainer)
2002: semester in art studio Performance ibid. (prof. T. Ruller)


+420 777176823


Dave Bown Projects, 11th semiannual competition (finalist), New York City, 2015
2nd place in art competition Artkontakt, Brno, 2004
The Prize Of Decan, Brno, 2003


The National Gallery in Prague
The Hodonín Gallery of Fine Arts
Private collections: Biggs, Hillsboro, Richmond, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Anguilla, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Spain, Japan, Saudi Arabia

solo exhibitions

"Cultivate-Self", Opobchod Store, Jemnice, 18.2.-17.5.2024
"World according to Plan", (together with Jonáš Karel Karpíšek), Umakart Gallery, Brno, 6.9.-2.10.2022

"Beehive in Ji-Hlava", Nonstrop Gallery, Jihlava, 3.8.-31.10.2022
"History lesson", Labyrinth School, Brno, 1.9.-21.11.2021

"Spring of Collections", Josef Jambor Gallery, Tišnov, 8.8.-27.9.2020 - Photo report
"Drawings and letters", Zastavkafe, Chotěboř, 18.12.2019-30.1.2020
"Bee Images", Alternativa, Vysočina County Gallery, Jihlava, 13.9.-14.10.2018
"Paintings by Bees", Diera do sveta, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia, 21.7.-31.8.2018
"Paintings by father beekeeper", Community center Brno-North, Brno, 16.3.-10.5.2018
"Drawings", Doma Gallery, Kyjov, 13.5.-8.6.2017
"Art with Bees", Deptford Cinema, London, 16.-31.3.2017
"Layer of Illusion", Gallery U kolen / Tři ocásci, Brno, 10.10.-11.11.2016
"Plevel in Jindřišská", vegan & raw restaurant Plevel, Prague, 16.9.-10.11.2016
"Commemoration celebration for extinct plants", (with Ondřej Maleček), Na shledanou Gallery, Malsička cemetery, Volyně, 27.8.2016-1.9.2017
"Landscape is Divine", evangelical house of prayer, Brno Židenice, 11.6.-11.7.2016
"From The Red Hills", Café Park, Prague, 11.5.-8.6.2016
"5&30", Literary Tearoom Glass Meadow (Skleněná louka), Brno, 16.3.-7.5.2016
"Chaverim Tovim", (together with Daniela Mikulášková), Verbena, Brno, 20.1.-18.2.2016
"Rysunki dla Joachima", Café Šestá větev, Brno, 8.1.-6.2.2016
"Better And More Happily", (together with Tomáš Ronovský), industrial music bar and gallery Schrott, Brno, 27.11.2015-13.1.2016
"Reality is a miracle" (project VýTěr, together with Ondřej Horák, curator Dominika Halvová), Gallery Off/Format, 11.3.-17.3.2015
"Mortgage on a coat", Gallery Dole, antiquarian bookshop Fiducia, Ostrava, 27.1.-7.3.2014
"About the teeth, about the objectives, about the mind, about the tranquility", Prokopka Gallery, Prague, 11.12.2012-14.1.2013
"The Green Man and other paintings", Café and Bakery Zastávka, Brno, 4.-30.9.2012
"I walked barefoot to the garden", Gallery under the city-hall, Club of art admirers Ústí nad Orlicí, 25.5.-15.6.2012
"Art with bees", Kabinet Gallery, Střítež, 11.9.-13.10.2011
"Reduced abstract and natural paintings", Lipka – The House of Ecological Education, Kamenná, Brno, 30.5.-30.6.2011
"down-to-earth", Místogalerie, Brno, 21.4.-12.5.2011
"Brian Tjepkema, Jan Karpíšek", (with Brian Tjepkema), Doma Gallery, Kyjov, 4.6.-20.6.2010
"Everything has got its own head!", (with Lukáš Karbus), Café Sausalito, Brno, 29.4.-9.6.2010
"OHEŇÍHIT – Freegan art of time paintings?", U mloka Gallery, Olomouc, 21.10.-13.11.2009
"Well we all are in the Kettle, but everything is absolutely allright", Institute of macromolecular chemistry AV ČR, Prague, 13.10.-7.11.2008
"A Painter, A Man", Dolmen Gallery, Uherské Hradiště, 29.9.-26.10.2007
"Ecogardener’s brush-drawings on paper", Minikino Gallery, Ostrava, 28.9.-31.10.2007
"Confession in Krmítko (Bird Table)", student club Krmítko at Faculty of Arts (Masaryk University), Brno, 21.2.-14.3. 2006
"Following Mind and Time", Gallery Artkontakt, Brno, 2005
"The Passing Of The Time" (Performance), Festival New Media, Cheb, 2003
"Paintings", Salon Zena, Jezuitska Street, Brno, 2002/2003

selected collective exhibitions

"Rendezvous extended: Value / Wert - Druhá města / Andere Städte", Schaumbad - Freies Atelierhaus Graz, Austria, 14. 9. - 26. 10. 2024

"Second Cities - andere Städte", Káznice, Brno, 13.6.-12.7.2024

"Personal Mythologies", House of the Lords of Kunštát, House of Arts, Brno, 14.9.-13.11.2022
"When I hear you say it, I have joy in my eyes", Cursor Gallery, Center for Contemporary Arts Prague, 6.10.-28.11.2021

"We Must Cultivate Our Gardens", Zahorie Gallery of Jan Mudroch in Senica, Slovakia, 20.8.-10.10.2021
"Here and now!", House of Arts, Brno, 16.2.-11.7.2021
"Boys and Girls", Nová Galerie, Prague, 7.3.-18.4.2019
"Pre-auction exhibition for St. Lazarus Hospice in Pilsen", Gallery Klatovy Klenová, 17.-30.11.2017
"Petr Bezruč – bard first he spoke", Silesian Museum, Opava, 13.9.2017-18.2.2018
"Czech Honey", The Archivist’s Gallery, London, UK, 12.-17.9.2017
"Wail of Silence", Gallery 1435 mm, Praha-Žižkov freight railway station, Prague, 1.-30.6.2017
"Klein- und Großformat", Ausstellungsbrücke, Niederösterreichisches Landhaus, St. Pölten, Austria, 16.2.-19.3.2017
"Landscape 2017", Nová galerie, Prague, 25.1.-3.3.2017
"I don’t know how this turns out", Sam83 Gallery, Česká Bříza, 4.9.-15.10.2016
"5th visit to the collection of contemporary art of Zeman spouses", Gallery Sladovna, Žatec, 15.4.2016-31.1.2017
"Etcetera 1", pre-auction exhibition, Gallery Kvalitar, Prague, 17.-21.11.2015
"Spectrum 2k", Cafe Prostoru_, NTK, Prague, 21.7.-7.9.2015
"The Stinging Nettles", Industra Art, Brno, 11.6.-2.8.2015
"The Gardens", Gallery of the city Blansko, 25.4.-27.5.2015
"SET 4", Betakontext, Berlin, Germany, 27.3.-27.5.2015
"ArtPrague 2015", Kafka’s house, Prague, 24.-29.3.2015
"Urban Beeing / Beekeping in the cities", Školská 28 Gallery, Prague, 21.11.-12.12.2014
12th auction show "Artists for the Barriers Account", Veletržní palace, National Gallery, Prague, 28.11.-12.12.2014
"By a bee and by milk", Jiří Putna Gallery, Brno, 3.10.2014
"Second Time Around: The Hubcap as Art", The Museum of the Shenandoah Valley in Winchester, Virginia, USA, 7.9.2014-1.3.2015
“Benefity for Atelier magazine”, Gallery of Critics, Adria Pallace, Prague, 15.7.-27.7.2014
“Metamorphosis”, Villa Mysteria, Open Air Program, Hradec Králové, 21.-30.6.2014
“Third visit to the collection spouses Zeman”, Gallery Sladovna, Žatec, 14.4.-29.9.2014
“Animals”, Café Steiner, Brno, 26.2.-16.4.2014
“First visit to the collection spouses Zeman”, Gallery Sladovna, Žatec, 26.9.2012-29.3.2013
“The body is an earthly garden of suffering”, Moving station, South suburb station , Plzeň, 23.4.-15.5.2012

"I wish, 001", art on topic of human rights, Deqiang College, Harbin, China, 7.-16.12.2011
"Small Format 2011", International painting symposium, Gallery of Visual Arts in Hodonín, 11.-28.8.2011
"Silent post melts the bounds", Café Steiner, Brno, 20.12.2010-29.1.2011
"Eko Bio", Reduta Theatre, Brno, 15.12.2010-21.1.2011
"Apartment exhibition", flat no.3, Gorkého Street 2, Brno, 14.12.2010-20.1.2011
"Une femme est une femme: Us in woman, woman in us", Alfa Passage, Brno, 6.-23.12.2010
"Blaze", Gallery of the Sumperk Region, Sumperk, 10.9.-7.11.2010
"Boys and girls who don’t mind about that", Sam83 Gallery, Česká Bříza, 15.8.-13.10.2010
" Telč", Atelier Návrat, Telč, 31.7.2010-14.8.2010
" Jihlava", Vysočina County Gallery, Jihlava, 6.-23.5.2010
"Ratolest Gallery", Café Sausalito, Brno, 24.2.-31.3.2010
"", Kašpar Dostal Gallery, Prague, 16.1.-16.2.2010
"Christmas Presents Distribution by the Blissful Ones", Café Steiner, Brno, 18.12.2009-14.1.2010
"Normal Childhood", benefit exhibition, House of Lords of Lipá, Brno, 14.9.-4.10.2009
"Betakontext", Freie Internationale Tankstelle, Berlin, Germany, 5.-8.8.2009
"Svitava to Svět (World)", Exhibition Hall Below the Tower, Třeboň, 1.-30.8.2009
"Cycle Tchèque", Lagalerie, Rue de la Forge Royale, Paris, France, 24.6.-4.7.2009
"Stuck in the Middle of November II", Dolmen Gallery, Kampa, Prague, 18.6.-12.7.2009
"Blaze 2", Gallery Starý Pivovar, Brno, 8.4.-8.5.2009
"The Pack of Bats", Gallery of the city Blansko, 10.1.-11.2.2009
"Stuck in the Middle of November II", Dolmen Gallery, Brno, 4.11.-25.11.2008
"The Horizontal Eight and The Banana", Reduta Theatre, Brno, 10.10.-16.11.2008
"", U mloka Gallery, Olomouc, 8.10.-8.11.2008
"Fifty-Fifty – gender, porno and art", Hala C, Prague, 26.9.-14.10.2008
"Kampa Punkwo?", Dolmen Gallery, Kampa, Prague, 18.6.-10.7.2008
"VII. Art Prague", (Basic), Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague, 26.5.-1.6.2008
"The Critics Prize for Young Painting", Gallery of Critics, Adria Pallace, Prague, 30.1.-15.2.2008
"BBKL-Labor" (mail-art), Kunstraum, Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 29.1.-16.3.2008
"Punkwa – Vernissage", Peng, Mainz, Germany, 12.1.-2.2.2008
"King Industry", The Slovak National Gallery, Zvolen Castle, Slovakia, 6.1.-27.1.2008
"Stuck in the Middle of November", Topič‘s Salon, Prague, 10.11.-30.11.2007
"The Anomal Paintings about Brno", Gallery Vinum Missae, Havlickuv Brod, 9.11.-10.12.2007
"ARSkontakt Balance", The Supreme Burgrave’s House, Prague, 2.10.-28.10.2007
"Vernisage", Vrakbar, Jihlava, 24.9.-30.10.2007
"40 days of Punkwa", Dolmen Gallery, Brno, 3.7.-13.8.2007
"Wine", Vinothek At The Golden Pike, Kolín, 28.6.2007-28.7.2007
"ARSkontakt: The Balance", South Wing of The New City-Hall, Brno, 18.4.-15.5.2007
"Amaro Jilo – Our Heart", House of Arts, Brno, 12.4.-26.4.2007
"8th auction salon of artists for BARIÉRY account", Cloisters of Carolinum, Prague, 14.11.-2.12.2006
"El Temperamento Nuevo", House of Blues, Plzeň, 24.10.-23.11.2006
"Letní Slunowrat", Housův Mlýn, Tábor, 16.6.-30.6.2006
"Pipistrello", Club Fleda, Brno, 30.3.-2.5.2006
"Damerychtufauleve", Galerie FaVU, Brno, 7.2.-19.2.2006
Christmas show, Slévárna Vaňkovka Gallery, Brno, 6.12.-20.12. 2005
"Diploma works exhibition, Gallery Aspekt, Brno, 2005
"International Biennale of Contemporary Art", National Gallery, Prague, 2005
"ArtPrague", Gallery of Vaclav Spala, Prague, 2005
"Punkwa – 001", Gallery in Old-Firemen-Station, Brno-Komin, 2005
"Artkontakt", 2nd year on travell, Gallery XXL, Louny, 16.4.-20.5.2005
"Artkontakt", 2nd year, Gallery At the Good Shepherd’s, Brno, 2005
"Malta 2", Hadivadlo Theater, Brno, 2005
"Homepage", Exhibition of artist’s web pages, Gallery Doubner, Prague, 2004
"Artkontakt", art competition, Gallery Vltavín, Prague, 2004
"Artkontakt", art competition, Gallery XXL, Louny, 1.6.-16.7.2004
"Contacts", International symposium of Fine Arts Academies, Grannary Klenová, 2004
"QuasiReality", Gallery Riverside, Prague, 2004
"Artkontakt", art competition, Gallery of Youngs, Brno, 2004
"MMS", The Brno City Theatre, 2004
"Astorka II", The Library Of Janáček Academy of Music And Performing Arts, Brno, 2004
"Atelier Klasse – Klasse Atelier", House of Arts, Brno, 2004
The Library Of Janáček Academy of Music And Performing Arts, Brno, 2003
Gallery Bartholomeus, Festival New Media, Cheb, 2003
"Between The Church And The Square", Březanova Street No. 6, Třeboň, 2003
"Honza, don’t forget to put out the wings!", Gallery NoD, Roxy, Prague, 2002
"The Quick One", Studio Of Environment, FaVU, Brno, 2002
Gallery of Critics, Adria Pallace, Prague, 2002
Vegetarian Agitprop Canvas of Nesehnutí, Malinovský Square, Brno, 2002
Gallery Medium, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2002
Gallery Of Felix Jenewein, Kutná Hora, 2002
Ján Šmok Gallery, Jihlava, 2001
Castle in Náměšť na Hané, 2001
Staroměstská Radnice (The Old City-hall), Prague, 2001

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